How I Changed My Mind About Metrics
Numbers used to drive me crazy, but now I depend on them to minister well.

What Did I Get Myself Into?
5 tips for when you start to panic about being a small-group leader

How Can I Lead Great Small-Group Discussions?
Four easy things any leader can do to facilitate growth-focused discussions

What Makes a Successful First Meeting?
Kick off your small group by focusing on three keys.

How Should I Handle Issues with Group Dynamics?
Strategically lead your meetings so everyone feels safe, heard, and valued.

Should We Structure for Rapid or Controlled Growth?
Both models can bring incredible growth if you choose the right one for your church.

Should Our Small Groups Be Open or Closed?
The arguments for both sides of this common debate.

How Should We Connect People into Small Groups?
Three connection methods that could work in your church.

Hosts or Leaders: What Should We Call Our Volunteers?
Take a look at what a simple word can communicate.

What Type of Studies Should We Use?
Determine whether sermon-based studies or a la carte studies would work best in your context.

How Is the Bible Changing You?
Assess how you've grown after completing a Bible study.

How to Be a Peacemaker
In a world that’s hungry for peace, we must choose to work through conflict in our personal relationships.

Embrace the Conflict
If you want an excellent small-group ministry, you’ll need to learn to handle conflict well.

Healthy Guidelines for Handling Conflict
Create a culture of healthy conflict-resolution.

Can I Ask Someone to Leave My Small Group?
Discerning the answer to this complex question.

Bible Study that Sticks
New research in cognitive psychology shows us how to help people remember what they read.

8 Tips to Improve Communication Between Pastors and Small-Group Directors
It takes effort on both sides of the relationship.

Single vs. Small Group
Are singles welcome in your ministry?

Pastoring While Single
The challenge and beauty of navigating small-group ministry alone.

Singled Out
Six ways churches can embrace singles