"Small Groups in Depth" collections are assembled by the editors of SmallGroups.com as a method of continuing education for people participating in small-group ministry. Each collection offers step-by-step training on a specific ministry skill or practice. Read through each resource on your own for self improvement, or customize the articles, discussion questions, assessments, and tools for training others.
Overview | Questions | Tools | Evaluation | Next Steps
Many people are wannabe golfers. They own a set of clubs, they hit the driving range from time to time, and they understand the basic rules of the game. They might even make it out to an actual golf course once or twice a year. But true golfers play the game much more frequently. True golfers own special equipment to hone their skills: golf shoes, hybrid clubs, laser range finders, and so on. Maybe they even have a subscription to Golf magazine.
Many Christians think of spiritual disciplines in similar terms. We think that practices like fasting, confession, and journaling are for "true" Christians—people who have the time and spiritual maturity to connect deeply with God. But the reality is that spiritual disciplines are specially designed for spiritual wannabes. They're what give us the focus and foundation necessary for a deeper relationship with Christ.
Could you use a little spiritual focus right now? Could your group members? If so, check out the resources highlighted on this page. They can help you connect with God in a deeper and more meaningful way, and they can help your group members do the same.
Whether improving your skills individually or training other people, use these discussion questions to introduce the topic of Spiritual Disciplines.
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term spiritual disciplines? Why?
- What has been your experience with spiritual disciplines in the past? What has been positive? What has been negative or apathetic?
- Make a list of all the spiritual disciplines you can think of. Which ones are most appealing to you? Which ones seem the most scary or unreasonable? Why?
As you learn more about specific spiritual disciplines, consider these questions:
- What disciplines would you like to start practicing personally? What will it take for you to get started?
- What disciplines can you start practicing in your group?
The resources below provide expert advice and practical tips for incorporating spiritual disciplines into both your personal and group life. They have been divided into three stages to help you progress through the training at the pace you choose.
Stage 1 contains basic introductions to a variety of spiritual disciplines. Stage 2 addresses how those skills can be used in a group setting. And Stage 3 highlights our premium downloadable content, which offers the most in-depth look at the practice of spiritual disciplines.
Stage One
- Spiritual Disciplines for People in Ministry
Why it's so important to nurture spiritual disciplines that are unconnected to "church work"
By Lynne M. Baab - Scripture Memory: A Missing Discipline
Six benefits of hiding God's Word in your heart
By Jason Hayes - Lectio Divina and Contemplative Prayer in Small Groups
A practical discussion on two countercultural methods of spiritual growth
By Adele Calhoun - Darryl's Dilemma: Confession
How do you start confession in your small groups?
By the Small Group Network Community - Coming Forth with Lazarus
Understanding the Sabbath in light of God's sovereignty
By Mark Buchanan - Recognizing When We're Dangerously Tired
The difference between "good tired" and "dangerously tired"
By Ruth Haley Barton
Stage Two
- Selling Ancient Disciplines to Moderns
Here are five tips to help re-educate your church and group members
By Paul Anderson - Community: The Wellspring of Spiritual Disciplines
A list of key spiritual disciplines that can be exercised in community, result in life-transformation, and keep your small groups and church on mission
By Reid Smith - Guidelines for Group Prayer
Practical principles for an ongoing, transformational walk with God
By Wayne Jacobsen - Prayer Power
Group prayer is powerful, don't let it become dry and meaningless
By Michael Mack - Laying a Solid Foundation with Prayer
20 ideas for incorporating prayer in your small-group meeting
By Reid Smith - Using Lectio Divina with Teen Groups
Follow this step-by-step approach to learn more about contemplation in small groups.
By Tony Jones - The Place of Reflection in Soul Care
Four important spiritual disciplines to enhance your small-group experience.
By Diana Bennett - Connections
Transformational small-group disciplines
By Randall Neighbour - Incorporating Confession in Your Small Group
Why the effort (and potential awkwardness) is worth it in the end
By Andrew Wheeler - Follow in the Footsteps of Bonhoeffer
Using Bonhoeffer's plan for small-group meetings
By Will Johnston
Stage Three

Corporate Spiritual Disciplines for Small Groups
This download will help your small group take the next step in practicing spiritual disciplines together. It will give you practical tools to get started with disciplines like lectio divina, fasting, confession, and attentive listening.
The following handouts from Corporate Spiritual Disciplines for Small Groups are especially useful:
- Corporate Spiritual Disciplines: The Basics, by Trevor Lee—an overview of spiritual disciplines and easy ways to get started.
- Attentive Listening: Hearing God and Hearing One Another, by Diana Curren Bennett—explains the importance of attentive listening and how to listen well in a group setting.
- Overcoming Common Obstacles of Corporate Spiritual Disciplines, by Seth Widner—how to overcome five common obstacles.

Spiritual Disciplines for Busy Church Leaders
Sometimes it seems like busyness is a necessary requirement for participating in small-group ministry. But that doesn't have to be the case. This download is designed to help the busy leaders of your ministry slow down and make the most of their time through spiritual disciplines.
The following handouts from Spiritual Disciplines for Busy Church Leaders are especially useful:
- Finding a Steady Rhythm, by Ruth Haley Barton—explores the not-so-secret key to effective ministry and leadership.
- Keeping Your Clock Ticking, by John Ortberg—a great introduction to the practice of solitude, and why we need it.
- Silence and Solitude for Beginners, by Ruth Haley Barton—full of practical advice for getting started with these key disciplines.

Finding Focus Through Spiritual Disciplines
This download highlights the disciplines of fasting, confession, discernment, and journaling—practices that can provide focus and a foundation for small-group leaders, coaches, pastors, and members.
The following handouts from Finding Focus Through Spiritual Disciplines are especially useful:
- The Discipline of Fasting, by Bob Coy—an excerpt from a sermon that helps us understand the power of spiritually directed fasting.
- The Discipline of Journaling, by Gordon MacDonald—a brief and understandable introduction to the practice of journaling.
- The Discipline of Discernment, by Adele Calhoun—an article full of suggestions for identifying and following God's will.

Meaningful Prayer in Small Groups
This training theme is specifically designed to use at a training event for small-group leaders. It includes assessments, case studies, articles, a prayer activity, and more—all designed to help your groups and group leaders understand the importance of group prayer.
The following handouts from Meaningful Prayer in Small Groups are especially useful:
- A Proper Understanding of Group Prayer, by Spence Shelton—an overview of group prayer.
- Keeping Your Prayer Focus, by Pat J. Sikora—a case study of group members who have trouble sharing prayer requests that don't involve distant relatives.
- Prayer Stations, by Amy Jackson—an activity you can adapt for group meetings or retreat settings that involves different prayer prompts.

Spiritual Disciplines Assessment Pack
There is no sure-fire way to evaluate and quantify our spiritual health. We can't take a test to see if we're getting an A or D in our relationship with God. But we can get an idea about our spiritual health, though, by taking an objective look at our actions and beliefs.
This download uses spiritual disciplines as a way to examine those actions and beliefs. Use it to get a better understanding of yourself, or to start a conversation with group members or other leaders about the depth and breadth of their spiritual journeys.
Do Our Prayers Go Deep Enough?
This free interactive assessment will help you evaluate the prayer in your small group by looking at the prayers of Jesus.
Next Steps
The following Bible studies will help your group learn about and effectively practice spiritual disciplines.

Spiritual Disciplines (7 session study)
This study is a great way to learn about different spiritual disciplines in a group setting, and to establish a starting point for group accountability.

Gordon MacDonald on Our Spiritual Journey (4 session study)
Gordon MacDonald is an author, pastor, and chair of World Relief. In these four sessions, he will help you define and map out your spiritual journey while offering practical and biblical advice along the way. No matter where you are on your journey, make a move closer to Jesus and discover the places he wants to take you.

Convergence: Spiritual Practices (3 session study)
Enter into a conversation with Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz) and Lauren Winner (Girl Meets God) about spiritual practices and how they can lead us to meet God in our everyday lives. Use these three video sessions to begin a conversation about spiritual practices with your small group.
Overview | Questions | Tools | Evaluation | Next Steps