I Am: Discovering Who Jesus Is

I Am: Discovering Who Jesus Is


In 8 studies, Douglas Connelly leads you through the "I Am" statements of Jesus to remind you that Jesus himself is your consolation in times of grief, hunger, and uncertainty.


Getting the Most Out of I Am
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

I Am He: Salvation
What barriers is Jesus willing to overcome in order to have a conversation with the Samaritan woman? What barriers hinder you from engaging others in conversation about Jesus?
John 4:1-26

Session Two

I Am the Bread of Life: Survival
Jesus contrasts two appetitesone for physical nourishment and one for spiritual sustenance. How is each appetite satisfied? What does Jesus promise to those who come to him in faith for spiritual nourishment?

John 6:25-51

Session Three

I Am the Light: Direction
What does it feel like to walk in darkness? How have you experienced following Jesus as being like following a light through a dark place?
John 8:12-30

Session Four

I Am the Good Shepherd: Security
Several times Jesus says the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. How does Jesus' sacrifice of himself make you feel about yourself?
John 10:1-21

Session Five

I Am the Resurrection: Eternity
What does Jesus mean when he says the person who believes in him will live, even though he dies?
John 11:1-27

Session Six

I Am the Way: Peace
Think about times of stress or sorrow in your life, and then consider what the disciples were feeling. What is it like to have a "troubled" heart?
John 14:1-14

Session Seven

I Am the True Vine: Purpose
Jesus repeatedly calls his disciples to "remain" or "abide" in him. What does that mean? What are the consequences of not remaining in him?
John 15:1-8

Session Eight

I Am the Alpha and Omega: Confidence
How does Jesus' claim to be the sovereign Lord over historyhand over your lifehelp you face the successes and tragedies of your daily experience?

Revelation 1:8; 22:12-16

Total number of pages60 pages

Douglas Connelly (M.Div. and M.Th., Grace Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. He has written several books and Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Angels, Daniel, Elijah, Encountering Jesus, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Good & Evil, Heaven, Heroes of Faith, John, The Lord's Prayer, Meeting the Spirit, Miracles and Heaven.

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