What's it mean to be Jesus' disciple? Those who followed Jesus had to give up their own lives and adopt his. This meant rejection by some, but it also meant the joy of bringing the earth-shattering news of his eternal kingdom to those who had not heard about it. This four-session course helps us realize that we have the same honor.
Session One
Support Christ's Agenda
Jesus calls his followers to adopt his agenda of salvation in the world.
Luke 4:14–30
This study teaches about the privilege of bringing the good news of salvation to many who do not have the opportunity to hear about the kingdom.
Session Two
Be Christ's Disciples
To bring Jesus to our world, we must live as his disciples.
Luke 9:51–62
This study shows key areas of discipleship that are the groundwork for an effective ministry to the world.
Session Three
Proclaim Christ's Message
Jesus' mission for us, as his privileged people, is to proclaim the gospel everywhere we can, anytime we can.
Luke 10:1–24
This study covers our responsibility to share the Good News with others so they might also enjoy the blessings of salvation.
Session Four
Recognize Christ's Fork in the Road
When our Christianity is self-centered because it is rooted in self-deceit rather than love and compassion, it kills our witness to the world.
Luke 11:37–54
This study warns us about the dangers of wrong-hearted and wrong-headed Christianity, and to encourage us to do some humble self-evaluation and repentance if necessary.
This Study Through the Bible Course is based on a sermon series by Scott Wenig.