Leader say:
Worship is a lifestyle.
What kind of worship does the Lord require? Does He demand great acts of self sacrifice or simple acts of humility? So often we believe that loving God and living a life of worship is one monumental act after another. Consequently, most of us give up. We know we aren’t up to the task of living large all the time!
Mother Teresa once said, "We can do no great things—only small things with great love." Isn’t our worship of the Lord God Almighty about love, love for Him and love for one another? It is indeed. Our worship is not about big acts … but all the seemingly insignificant things we do in love.
Take a minute and make a list of all the activities you are involved in on any given day. List your work and your chores around the house and the driving you do to get your kids from place to place. List them all.
Leader: give 3-5 minutes to do this
Leader say:
Now, I want to take a few minutes of silent prayer. Let’s renew our commitment to live our lives as worship. Pray that God will bless our acts of living worship and that we will do everything in love, no matter what it is.
Leader: close this time of silent prayer by speaking a word of prayer for your group.