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Christ Fellowship "Huddles Up" and Watches Their Small Groups Explode
How the 40 days of purpose led to an explosion of small groups at one church.
A Church Craving Community Catches Small Group Fever
The story of a church who found the first thing they needed to do with small groups was to offer them.
Coaching Life-Changing Leaders
How to be an effective small group coach.
The Coach's Course
How to effectively coach leaders for their continued effectiveness.
Committed to Community
The desire for genuine community is the strongest motivator for small group involvement, but you have to be willing to commit.
Conducting Acts Of Hospitality
How to make serving the community an effective part of your ministry.
Confessions of a small-group leader
Learn how to avoid some dangerous leadership pitfalls.
Cracking the Leadership Code
Take these steps to care for small-group leaders and keep them functioning well.
Create a Caring Church
How to create small groups that really care for each other.
Creating Team Players
Learn how to get everyone in a small group participating.
Cyber Pastors
The internet can be an important tool in the development of effectiveness in small-group ministry.
Demystifying Misunderstandings
Sometimes the most important part of clearing up misunderstandings is talking about them.
Developing Mission Communities
Develop small groups that will support each other and go together into serving the world.
Developing People
The most important thing you do as a leader is develop other people.
Divide, Connect and Grow
Dividing large groups into smaller ones for discussion and prayer can enliven the entire group.
Dominated by One
Though confrontation is difficult, it can be essential to small group health.
Do You Have Great Expectations?
Expecting God to work is most important piece of seeing him work.
Drawing Men Into Small Groups
Learn how to develop small groups that will be effective with men.
"Dude, I Can't Shepherd a Small Group?"
Get tips on how to lead an effective small group even if you don't think you're ready.
Dying to My "Accomplished" Self
To fulfill God's purposes sometimes we have to let go of our own.