Search Results

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull—Teen Version
Indy is back to stop a powerful alien artifact from falling into the hands of the commies.

Redeeming Suffering
We don’t always know why bad things happen, but we do know the One who brings good from them.

Harry Potter and the Search for Truth
A young boy finds his purpose and begins to realize the value of standing for good—and against evil—in this 7-session Book Discussion Guide.

Best Picture Winners
What can we learn about God from these amazing stories told with breath-taking cinema?

The Beginning: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
A young boy finds his purpose and begins to realize the value of standing for good—and against evil—in the first book of the Harry Potter series.

Perspectives on Suffering
This four-session course investigates how we can remain faithful in suffering by God's grace.

Truth in Fantasy
What can we learn of God's goodness through these popular sci-fi movies?

Schindler’s List
A drama about the abuse of power, the horror of unbridled evil, and the difference one man can make.

To Kill a Mockingbird
A father and his children take a stand against bigotry in the depression-era South.

How to React When Evil People Find God
What are we to think when former drug traffickers and child killers profess Christ?