The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds
A closer look at these two creeds helps define what Christians believe.
Benchmarks: Training Group Leaders
Check out these statistics to get your finger on the pulse of small-groups ministry.
The Odd Bunch
How to include a small group that doesn't naturally fit with the rest of your church.
Discipleship: The New Evangelism
Are these two important elements of the church trending together?
How to Pray for Another Group Member
Practical advice for a sometimes sensitive subject
What's Your Story?
The importance of hearing the life journey of your group members
Stepping Down
The "why" and "how" of removing yourself from small-group leadership
Facing Shame Issues in a Small Group
Why some group members don't want to open up, and how to help
How Does a Small Group Help Us Change?
Exploring how people conform to the image of Christ in community
You Struggle with That!?
Responding to a group member who confesses a secret sin
Finding True Fellowship
Biblical fellowship between believers should break the surface.
Cheat Sheet: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Understanding the work and gifts of the Counselor

How to Start a House Church
Five ideas to keep in mind when you're planting something new
Pay Attention to Details
Why the little things make a big difference in your group experience.
Learning Styles and Lesson Preparation
Understanding how people learn gives you a better shot at teaching them.
Small-Group Members or Political Prisoners?
Why we need to err on the side of love, not politics

Why Some Women Resist Community
And how to help them connect.
A Theology of Small-Group Worship
Spiritual formation for individuals, small groups, and the church.
Organic Small Groups
Advice on creating a place where people naturally connect.
More Than Just a Bible Study
Allow God's Word to transform lives as you study together.