Interpreting the Bible
Five keys to doing biblical exegesis together

The Story of the Early Church
Read this familiar story with a fresh perspective.

Authentic Discipleship
Research shows that authenticity may be the most important factor for men.

Yes! You Are Qualified to Lead a Small Group
Three basic requirements for small-group leaders

Is Your Group Safe for Open-Heart Surgery?
Becoming places of true authenticity and heart transformation

What Small Groups Are Really About
Realizing my small group is not about me

Introducing Your Group to Healthy Conflict Resolution
Working together to solve conflict in a biblical manner

Christmas Ideas for Your Small Group
Intentionally incorporating the season into your group.

The Disciple's Prayer
Using the Lord's Prayer to deepen small-group prayer times

Encouraging the Reluctant Pray-er
When a group member doesn't want to pray aloud

What if the Group Continues to Get Off Topic?
Seven tips to stay on track

We're All a Bunch of Loosers!
Helping free others from bondage

Small Group Ground Rules
Six things to discuss as a group so you're all on the same page

Do We Really Need Another Kick in the Pants?
Why the American Church needs a new way

Why I'm Such a Believer in Sermon-Based Small Groups
Three reasons that just might convince you

Ministering to an Ineffective Leader
Identifying common causes and common cures
Eliminating the Walls between Insider and Outsider Activities
Inviting unbelievers to fully participate in our group life can be our best witness.

Giving Leaders Feedback
Five key questions to guide this important conversation.

How to Handle Conflict in a Small Group
What to do (and what not to do) when following Jesus' prescription for resolving disputes

Incorporate Confession in Your Small Group
Why the effort and potential awkwardness are worth it