Choosing the right Bible study makes significant impact on the success of your small group. You need a study that engages group members while digging deep into topics that nurture spiritual growth. Here’s some of the top studies.

1. Daniel: Faithful in All Circumstances
Walk through Daniel's life and respond to the call to trust and obey God.
While we most often remember Daniel as the Bible character in the lions' den, there was a lot more to his life! Throughout the first six chapters of the book of Daniel, we learn how to remain faithful in all circumstances. This six-session study examines the lessons we can take from Daniel's life and character and how we can also be faithful to God in all circumstances.

2. Strong Men of the Bible
Learn from the lives of six biblical men who demonstrated integrity.
From an ordinary man like Jacob to a man of supernatural strength like Samson, the Bible tells the story of many men called and used by God. In today's tumultuous world, we need followers of Christ with strong integrity more than ever. This six-session Bible study uses Scripture lessons and stories to dig deeper into obedience, equality, humility, fear, suffering, and more. This study includes leader's guides, optional activities, and profiles on each character from the Men of Integrity Devotional Bible(Tyndale, 2002).

3. 1 John: Go Deeper in Christ
Life with Christ shouldn't be shallow.
What does it mean when we say we want to "go deeper" in our faith? What should we go deeper into? Sincere Christians universally want to "go deeper" in faith and knowledge of the Scripture. This eight-session study on 1 John spells out exactly what a deep life with Christ looks like and why really knowing Christ is the most important piece.

4. 1 Samuel: Putting God First
Learn to glorify God in every situation.
The Book of 1 Samuel is full of colorful characters, such as Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David. This seven-session study uses their tragedies and triumphs to help group members reflect and learn more about themselves—and how God wants to work in their life. Learning objectives include: how to trust God when life doesn't go according to plan; how to trust God with the future; what priorities Christians should have in life; practical steps for maintaining relationships; and how to glorify God in every circumstance.

5. Life Lessons from Paul
Glean wisdom from Paul's letters in this 13-session study.
The apostle Paul wrote much of the New Testament, including the letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians. Though these books are relatively short, they contain a wealth of wisdom for living as Christ-followers in a fallen world. Read through these three books in a row, though, and you'll gain even more as you see a bigger picture emerge. Paul exhorts and encourages the early believers while clarifying central beliefs and practices. His words still resonate today. This 13-session study includes: Galatians: The Essence of Being a Christian, Ephesians: You Are God's Masterpiece, and Philippians: Finding Joy.

6. Psalms: Managing Our Emotions
Learn how God's word in the psalms deeply affects our emotions.
Sometimes, emotions really get in the way. Experts aren't even sure what causes people to experience emotions. Both social science and neurobiology have tried, to no avail, to explain their origin. For Christians, emotions can be troubling, frustrating, and untrustworthy. Some emotions seem deeply spiritual; other emotions seem downright sinful. God created humans to experience emotions, yet there are still godly and ungodly ways to manage them. This 12-session study on the Book of Psalms explores 12 different emotions, from depression to joy to anger, and provides a way forward for Christians to deal with their emotions.

7. Racism: How Should Christians Respond?
Our faith must inform the way we think and act about this ongoing issue.
Decades after the Civil Rights Movement, America is still dealing with racism. The topic of race fills news headlines, city streets, and even pulpits. Recognizing the centuries-old mistreatment of minority groups, how should Christians respond to racism? Is it possible to respond in sensitive ways that actually make a difference?

8. Marriage Bible Study Bundle
Learn to seek God together and grow in love and commitment.
Marriage is full of opportunities for joy and pain. Learning to love well and glorify God through the marriage relationship is a challenge worth taking on each day. Couples can't face these challenges on their own and win. Taking time to study what the Bible has to say about money, communication, sex, and more will help husbands and wives form a strong foundation and grow. Seeking God together provides love and support to build a healthy marriage.

9. 1 Corinthians: Basic Christian Living
Bringing Christian living back to the basics.
When Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he knew they needed to be instructed in the basics: loving one another, honoring God, worship, and more. Christians today need these instructions too! This 7-session study on 1 Corinthians will teaches on why believers go to church, how to use our bodies to honor God, how to find unity in diversity, how to love, serve, and worship together, and how to face death.

10. Bible Study Basics: Ephesians
Find out what it looks like to live as one of God's adopted children.
In a time when so many people struggle with identity, Ephesians is the perfect book of the Bible to study. Paul makes it clear: Our identity is found in the fact that we are children of God, adopted into his family, and we're to live as children of light in a dark world. Ephesians reminds believers of all Christ has done to reconcile us to himself and what that means for how we should live. It provides practical instructions for relationships that honor God.