Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ

Expert advice on staying connected to the vine


In this download, authors such as Richard Foster, John Ortberg, and Adele Ahlberg Calhoun share the ways they stay centered in Jesus Christ, the vine (John 15). Whether it's through the practice of spiritual disciplines or simple daily acts, you will find renewal as you discover both the peace and power that comes from remaining in Christ.

Leader's Guide

How to use "Abiding in Christ" for a group study


To Abide or to Abound?
Living with this holy tension.
by John Ortberg

Spiritual Formation for Dummies
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun says people want more than knowledge about God - they want transformation. Where do they start?
Interview by Rob Moll

Your Walk with God?
Ten key questions for assessing our devotional life.
by Kevin A. Miller

Disorderly Disciplines
When I entered motherhood, my traditional spiritual life became impossible.
by Jenell Williams Parist

A Life Formed in the Spirit
How Richard Foster practices what he preaches.
Interview by Mark Galli

Excusing Our Time with God
Evaluating the four factors that determine all we do.
by Richard P. Hansen and David Wall

Take Time to Be What?
A classic hymn shows why holiness is scarce these days.
by Gordon MacDonald

Additional Resources: More places for more help.

Total number of pages - 40 pages

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-SFB009-D