A Walk to Remember is the story of a young couple, Jamie (Mandy Moore) and Landon (Shane West). These two teenagers have known each other for years but run in different circles. Jamie is a kind, compassionate, Christian girl who sings in the choir. She is intelligent and self-confident, not worried about what others think or say about her. Landon, on the other hand, cares too much about what his peers think, and he lacks direction. When their worlds collide, both teens are profoundly affected.
Use this discussion guide to explore the spiritual themes of the movie. Through Jamie and Landon's struggles, what lessons can we learn about love? Where is faith demonstrated? How does the movie illustrate the need to belong? What does the film say about reconciliation?
Discussion Guide
• Movie Summary
• Discussing the Scenes *Bonus Material: DVD Scenes to Watch*
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8; John 15:13-17; Jeremiah 31:3)
(Hebrews 11; Matthew 17:20)
(Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:12)
(Colossians 1:19-20; Matthew 5:23-24; Romans 5:10)
• As the Credits Roll
Based On
A Walk to Remember (Warner Bros., 2002), directed by Adam Shankman, rated PG.
Photo © Copyright Warner Bros.