One of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us is each other. Through Christ's body, the church, we discover our unique gifts and experience worship, healing and power. In 10 studies, Rob Suggs leads us to grow in community–loving and nurturing one another, and in reflecting Christ's love to the world around us.
Getting the Most Out of Christian Community
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.
Session One
Built to Last
How do "dividing walls of hostility" keep people from hearing the gospel today?
Ephesians 2:11-22
Session Two
Everyone's Involved
In what ways is the human body an appropriate metaphor for the church of Jesus Christ? What are some practical ways to give honor to those "parts of the body" which are typically regarded as "less honorable"?
1 Corinthians 12
Session Three
Everyone's Invited
Despite the changes in his life, why was Onesimus an unlikely candidate for full acceptance into the church? What types of people are unlikely candidates for acceptance in your church?
Session Four
We Gather Together
The "gates" and the "courts" of verse 4 refer to the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. Why is it important to have a special place of worship?
Psalm 100
Session Five
Community Commissioned
What are some appealing and unappealing features of the work Jesus gave these seventy-two people? When has the Lord given you a job that had both blessings and dangers?
Luke 10:1-20
Session Six
Servant's Entrance
What thoughts and feelings do you have as you think about the division of the sheep and goats?
Matthew 25:31-46
Session Seven
And They'll Know We Are Christians
Imagine that you are the next disciple after Peter. What do you say and do when Jesus kneels before you to wash your feet?
John 13:1-17, 34-35
Session Eight
True Confessions
The reading of the Law (the first five books of the Old Testament) was followed by confession and worship. Why do both make sense as a response to hearing God's Word?
Nehemiah 9:1-5; James 5:13-20
Session Nine
Confrontation & Restoration
Even when Jesus' followers were still few, they already had questions about how to get along with each other. How do verses 18-20 affirm the reconciling power of praying together?
Matthew 18:15-35
Session Ten
A Haven for Healing
How can you encourage the leaders of your fellowship to take more seriously their responsibilities to the weak, as suggested by this passage?
Ezekiel 34:1-16
Total number of pages - 63 pages
Rob Suggs is a cartoonist and writer who also served for several years as senior editor for Walk Through the Bible Ministries. He also wrote the LifeGuide® Bible Study The Ten Commandments..