

Discuss the inevitable experience of death.

The following 4-session course will help you and your group think more about the inevitable experience we'll all face in numerous ways—death. You'll be challenged to think about important, but often overlooked, questions like: How can we improve our ministry to the dying? What do you think it was like for the friends of Jesus between his death and resurrection? When do you think it's appropriate to contact someone after that person has lost a loved one? If after death, we are already in the joy of God's presence, what exactly do we gain from a bodily resurrection?

Week One

How to Help the Dying
In Birmingham, an innovative program combines hospice care, traditional medicine, and faith to comfort the terminally ill.

Week Two

Cremation or Burial: What Does the Bible Say?
Is it unscriptural for a Christian to be cremated?

Week Three

Making Sense of Death
How dying brings meaning in the midst of life.

Week Four

What We'll Look Like in Heaven
How can we look forward to reinhabiting these worthless husks that we leave behind in death?

Week Five

Dealing with Suicide
Taking a theologically sound approach to the tragedy of suicide.

Week Six

What Is Heaven Like?
What do we know about the place where we'll spend eternity?

  • Word Document
  • SMG-BSC011-D