Forgiveness: Making Peace with the Past

Forgiveness: Making Peace with the Past

What the Bible says about forgiveness


These eight studies lead you to discover, understand and practice what the Bible says about forgiveness.


Getting the Most Out of Forgiveness
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Our Forgiving Father
Did you ever run away from home? Based on what you have read and on your own experience, how would you describe the prodigal son's feelings when he first left his father's home?
Luke 15:11-32

Session Two

Why We Need Forgiveness
Contemplate the worst thoughts that have ever crossed your mind. Where did those evil thoughts come from? The apostle Paul gives us a very focused picture on how far from God we once were and how powerfully God worked to rescue us.
Ephesians 2:1-10

Session Three

Confessing Our Sin
The word confess means "to say the same thing." We confess sin when we say the same thing about our sin that God says about it. Using that insight, how would you direct a younger Christian to confess a sin to God?
1 John 1:5–2:2

Session Four

The Shout of a Forgiven Man
What happens inwardly when we refuse to come clean with God? Why do you think David waited so long to admit and confess his sin?
Psalm 32

Session Five

How We Forgive Others
Jesus used the theme of debtors to teach his disciples a powerful lesson about forgiveness. What is your attitude when you are asked to forgive someone for the same offense three or four times?
Matthew 18:21-35

Session Six

When We Are Wounded
Jesus gives us detailed instructions about how to confront people who wound usand what to do if they refuse to admit they're wrong. How do you typically handle disagreements or conflicts with another person?

Matthew 18:15-20

Session Seven

As We Forgive Others
What was Jesus trying to show us about our daily needs by incorporating a request for forgiveness in this model prayer?
Matthew 6:5-15

Session Eight

Forgiving When We Don't Feel Like It
One of Paul's most personal letters was written to a rich man about one of his slaves. What insight does Paul's request give you about the price you may have to pay to forgive someone who has wronged you?

Total number of pages62 pages

Douglas Connelly is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Michigan. He is the author of the books The Bible for Blockheads and The Book of Revelation for Blockheads (both Zondervan) as well as the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Daniel, Angels, Miracles, Heaven and Meeting the Spirit.

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