God of Wrath, God of Love

God of Wrath, God of Love

The God of the Old Testament is the same God we find in the New.


Many people look at the Old Testament and see an angry God of vengeance who would crush you under his heel for even a minor offense. Then they turn to the New Testament and find a compassionate Savior who heals the sick, loves the unlovable, and blesses the peacemakers. But there isn't an old covenant God and new covenant God—God remains the same throughout. What is true about God's justice and mercy in the Old Testament remains true about God's justice and mercy in the New Testament. With all that said, we still can't help but wonder: Why does the Son of God seem so different from the God of Moses?

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: John 1:1–18; Hebrews 1; 10:1–18; 12:18–29


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Both the Old and New Testaments reveal the same God.

Teaching point two: Jesus gives a deeper and clearer revelation of God.

Teaching point three: Stern judgment comes to those who reject God the Son.

Teaching point four: God's wrath falls on God, not only satisfying God's need for justice but creating a way for our redemption.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


• "Can We Trust the God of Genocide," by Mark Buchanan, July/August 2013

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  • SMG-CT0274-D