Here's the understatement of the year: Raising kids is a big job. Childproofing cabinets. Potty training. Bike helmets. Healthy eating. Don't talk to strangers. TV and video game limits. Refereeing fights. Lattice-method multiplication. Choosing friends. Algebra. Dating rules. How do we deal with all that urgent stuff and still get to the important stuff, like developing kids of faith, character, and compassion?
This study will help get to that important stuff. It will help us show our kids that God has a heart for those in need, that we can share in that heart, and that we can move together to serve and love the outcast.
Table of Contents
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 146; Matthew 25:31–46; Acts 2:42–47; 1 John 3:16–24
• Identify the Current Issue
• Discover the Eternal Principles
—Teaching point one: We must show our kids that God's heart beats for those in need.
—Teaching point two: We must help our kids have broken hearts for those in need.
—Teaching point three: We must model for our kids a heart of service for those in need.
—Teaching point four: We must move together with our kids in a church community that has a heart for those in need.
• Apply Your Findings
• Recommended Resources
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