One of the most tedious parts of leading a Bible study is deciding on and ordering all of the materials. We've taken the pain out of that by putting together a one-year curriculum for women. If you lead a women's group, these studies will give you variety, depth, and interest. Or if you teach a Sunday school class, this will give you enough material for the year. Or maybe you just want to work through a year's worth of studies on your own or with a friend. If any of those are true, this is for you.
We've assembled a nice mix of studies that includes topics such as finding balance in our lives, managing our emotions, improving our relationships, handling stress, and overcoming fear. Plus, we've thrown in some movie discussion guides that will add variety and keep things fun.
Because of our downloadable studies and liberal policy that allows you to make up to 1,000 copies, gone are the days that you have to put in advance orders and collect money for each study book.
In this packet, we've included 53 sessions, so you are even covered for Leap Year! And because it would be costly to order the studies individually, we've discounted them as a package by more than 55%.
Becoming a Balanced Woman
These 6 Bible studies help women grow in their relationship to God and get practical, biblical perspectives on self-worth in a culture that idolizes physical beauty. It also helps us consider how to channel stress for God's glory and our good. Confidence comes from knowing who we are in Christ as we live for his purposes and joy comes when we learn to be content. Finally, what do hydration and adequate sleep have to do with living water and the peace that passes understanding?
A Walk to Remember Movie Discussion Guide
Use this discussion guide to explore the spiritual themes of this movie. Through Jamie and Landon's struggles, what lessons can we learn about love? Where is faith demonstrated? How does the movie illustrate the need to belong? What does the film say about reconciliation?
Keys to Biblical Relationships
Nothing is more important than our relationships. This 3-session study points out that true fulfillment lies not in individualism but in sharing life with others. Being part of the community called "church" is not about being more religious; it's about being fully relational and helping others find the love they're longing for.
Spanglish Movie Discussion Guide
Use this discussion guide to explore the more spiritual themes of this movie, such as conditional and unconditional love, dealing with unfaithfulness in marriage, solving conflict, and identity.
Psalms: Managing Our Emotions
Emotions are complicated and complex, mysterious and mystifying. Even the experts are not sure what causes us to experience emotions. Both social science and neurobiology have tried, to no avail, to explain the origin of emotions. And for Christians, emotions can be troubling, frustrating, and untrustworthy.
Return to Me Movie Discussion Guide
Return to Me is the tale of Bob Rueland (David Duchovny) and Grace Briggs (Minnie Driver), two people "fated" to meet and fall in love after a tragic loss in Bob's life. This dramatic comedy stresses the importance of the heart (physically, spiritually, and emotionally), the process of healing, and the security that comes from a community of family and friends. This study will grapple with a central question: through Grace and Bob's trials and triumphs, what lessons can we learn about our hearts?
Jill Briscoe on Christian Foundations
Jill Briscoe has an active speaking ministry and has written over 40 books, including A Little Pot of Oil, Prayer That Works, and God's Front Door. She and her husband Stuart minister together at conferences and mission organizations around the world. In this 4-session course, Jill instructs us in basics of the Christian life, such as why God made us, how he forgives us, and how he enables us to handle difficulties and to love others.
Pride and Prejudice Movie Discussion Guide
This study will help you discuss the deeper themes of the movie in a biblical context. What does the film say about pride and prejudice? How do those issues contribute to an understanding of class and society? Ultimately, how can love transcend differences?
Stressed Out?
Everyone experiences some kind of stress, and it's impossible to get rid of all stress. For some, stress can even be motivational. The word stress does not occur in the Bible, but distress, distressed, distresses, and distressing occur in the NIV 111 times. So clearly the Bible has a lot to say about this human phenomenon. Learn more in this 4-session study.
The Notebook Movie Discussion Guide
Use this discussion guide to explore the more spiritual themes of the movie. Through Allie and Noah's joys and struggles, what lessons can we learn about love? How can we better understand perseverance? What does the film say about commitment?
Successful Relationships
Our lives are about relationships. From beginning to end, we spend our lives relating to others. The Godhead is a relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Created in God's image, we are made to be in intimate relationships with others. These relationships can be the most fulfilling or frustrating experiences of our lives. Often, how we feel about our lives is based on how our relationships are going. In this 5-session course, you will get a glimpse into some of the relational lessons of the Bible. As we work on our relationships, we become more and more like Jesus, which is our goal as his followers.
My Sister's Keeper Movie Discussion Guide
This study will help you explore some of the themes introduced in the movie, including the conflicted ideas we tend to have about suffering and death. Examining these darker questions in the light of Scripture will benefit anyone grappling with the fragility and mystery of human life.
Overcoming Fear
Fear is a universal emotion. But just because we all experience fear doesn't mean that we have to live with it. In this 5-session study, we will define fear, look at its associates and opposites, discuss what it means to fear God, and find out what we can do to overcome our fears.
Bella Movie Discussion Guide
This film is touching because of the bravery and courage of the characters, and it shows another path for the Niñas of the world who are pregnant, alone, and with few options for the future. José demonstrates through compassion, friendship, and gentle encouragement that there are other options than abortion.
Lasting Friendships Between Women
Women usually recognize the need for friendships, but how can we make them happen? This 6-session Bible study looks at how we can make more and lasting friendships, and instructs us in how to put into these relationships the kind of work that will help them to last.
Total number of studies—15