The following 6-session course will help you and your group think through tough parenting issues from family planning, to educating your children, to dealing with behavioral problems.
Week One
Who's Teaching the Children?
Biblical literacy begins in the home.
Week Two
Is Family Planning Okay?
The contraceptive mentality says children are something to be avoided. We're not buying it.
Week Three
You and Your Prodigal Child
How can a Christian lead others when his home is torn by rebellion?
Week Four
What Gen X and Y Want from Us
Watch out, promiscuity! Out of the way, relativism! A wave of young Americans just wants that old-time religion.
Week Five
Who's Homeschooling Your Kids?
A homeschooling mom visits one of the largest conventions in the country and notes how this form of alternative education has changed—to the chagrin of traditionalists.
Week Six
Christian Teens and Sex
How we can help our kids deal with the temptations of sex