The Matrix trilogy has been hailed as a triumph in filmmaking, breaking ground for both technical achievements and for weaving a rich tapestry of philosophy, religion, and pop culture with mass-market appeal. The films raise challenging moral and philosophical questions—all while captivating audiences with thrilling battles of good versus evil, man versus machine, and creator versus the created.
What do these films say about the nature of self-knowledge, faith, love, reality, free will, and destiny? This discussion guide will help you examine these issues and discuss the movie from a biblical perspective.
Discussion Guide
• Movie Summary
• Discussing the Scenes
—Temet Nosce: "Know thyself"
(Psalm 139:23–24; Philippians 3:10; 1 Corinthians 2:7–14)
—Faith: "Free your mind" from fear, doubt, and disbelief
(Luke 12:29–32; Romans 12:1–2; Philippians 4:4–9; Hebrews 11; James 2:14–26)
—Love: "What matters is the connection the word implies"
(Luke 10:27; John 14:20–24; 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 4:11–16)
—Reality and Truth: "The Matrix has you"
(John 12:40; Romans 8:19–21; Galatians 4:1–9)
—Slavery: "You are a slave … born into bondage"
(Joshua 24:15; Matthew 6:23–25; John 12:40; Romans 6:16; Romans 7; Romans 12:1–2; Ephesians 6:12)
—Fate: "We're all here to do what we're all here to do"
(John 3:16; John 12:32–33; Romans 8:29–30; 1 John 2:2)
• As the Credits Roll
Based On
The Matrix (Warner Brothers, 1999), The Matrix Reloaded (Warner Brothers, 2003), and The Matrix Revolutions (Warner Brothers, 2003), all written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski; rated R.
Photo © Copyright Warner Brothers
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