The Trajectory of Worship

The Trajectory of Worship

What’s really happening when we praise God in song?


It has often been said that Sunday morning is the most racially segregated time of the entire week. Sometimes that is true, at other times not. But it is safe to say that our worship hour might well be the most divisive time as we fight over different music styles. We have even coined an oxymoronic term for these seemingly intractable tensions: "worship wars." How did something that God intended for good get so far off track? And, more to the point, how do we get it right?

John Koessler's CHRISTIANITY TODAY article "The Trajectory of Worship" gives us some principles that provide a biblical perspective on worship that we all need—on Sunday and every day.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 150:1–6; Isaiah 6:1–8; John 4:7–26; Acts 4:23–31; Revelation 5:1–14


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Worship begins with God—but it doesn't stay there.

Teaching point two: Worship God any and every way you can.

Teaching point three: The Lamb is the focus of our worship.

Teaching point four: Worship strengthens us in evangelism.

Teaching point five: We must worship God in spirit and in truth.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


The Trajectory of Worship, by John Koessler (March 2011)

Total number of pages

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-CT0247-D