Authentic discipleship requires both becoming more like Jesus and embracing the unique way you've been made. This booklet will give you and your small group or church a clearer understanding of discipleship and challenge you to become more like Christ in the unique way you've been made--to discover your unique conformity.
Introduction: Finding Purpose
Part One:[re]Defining Discipleship
Exploring what discipleship really is and why it matters.
Part Two: The Upside-Down Kingdom
Following the way of Jesus is so different from the world it seems upside-down.
Part Three: Don't Rub It
Finding ways to stay constantly connected to Christ.
Part Four: Spirit Walking
Walk with the Spirit into deeper discipleship.
Part Five: Idol Smashing
Once we find our idols we can make the choice to destroy them with God's help.
Conclusion: It's a Start
Total number of pages - 59 pages
Produced by Unique Conformity, Inc., written by Trevor Lee
Check out the Unique Conformity Discipleship Experience and order print copies on the website here.