Everyone told you this day would come. It seems only yesterday your little one needed you for every task. And now, you watch as he or she packs up their vehicle to leave. How did this day come so fast? You find yourself regretting your complaints of too much noise, laundry, and mess. Now, it's the silence that is too much. A question emerges: Your identity was pretty well established as a parent, but with the children gone, who are you now—and who is this person you're living with?
Table of Contents
SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 1:1–24; Mark 10:6–9; Ephesians 4:29–5:2
• Identify the Current Issue
• Discover the Eternal Principles
—Teaching point one: Relationships sometimes need renewal.
—Teaching point two: Some relationships need readjustment.
—Teaching point three: Some relationships need renovation.
—Teaching point four: Some relationships need restoration.
• Apply Your Findings
• Additional Resources
• Prepare Now for the Second Half, by David and Claudia Arp (Spring 2001, 5 printed pages)
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