

Discuss important questions surrounding worship styles and practices.

This 5-session course will help you and your group discuss questions surrounding the worship issue, such as: Why and how should we worship? How can we see who God is through worship? How does worship connect with our personal walk with God? How do we prepare for worship? Are there bigger issues to consider other than just worship style?

Session One

Worshiping Well

In an age of choice, how can we best express our love to God?

Session Two

Eyes Wide Open to God

To see God, high and lifted up, just open your eyes.

Session Three

Fear and Friendship: Two Sides of Worship

How do we balance intimacy and awe?

Session Four

Preparing For Worship

Preparing your mind and heart for worship begins at home.

Session Five

David's Dance Across the Line

What some view as disrespect can be the holiest act of worship.

Total number of pages—56

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-BSC026-D