- Put the following instructions (and items if need be) in an envelope.
- Break your group into smaller groups of 3 or 4.
- Hand each small group an envelope.
- Explain to them that they must follow the instructions given them. Their goal is to imagine that they are doing this for someone they love.
- If you have more than 4 groups simply duplicate the envelopes. It will not matter if 2 groups have the same instructions.
- When everyone gets back or is finished with their instructions, debrief about their experiences. What did they feel when they read their instructions? How did they go about doing their "project?" How did that feel?
Envelope One:
Here is $5.00 (leader puts a five dollar bill in the envelope). Buy something or do something with this money to show someone special that you love them and care for them.
Envelope Two:
Using this list of words, you are to write a love poem to someone special.
tomorrow, grow, love, above, sing, bring, create, late, trust, must, today, play, heart, part, color, truer, pretend, and end
Envelope Three:
Go out and do something that communicates love to someone in the neighborhood.
Envelope Four:
Go out and find someone to bring back with you to the group. Explain to them that you want to share the most important thing you have … your relationship with Jesus.