Married or Single

Exploring unique perspectives on God

Christian marriage is able to reflect God's image in a unique way. At the same time, Paul points out that marriage isn't for everyone (1 Corinthians 7:1-9). Have group members pair up, men with men and women with women. Pair single men or women with married men or women. Ask the people who are married to share what they have learned through marriage. How did marriage measure up to their expectations? How are they able to better understand God through the lessons of marriage? Ask the singles to share what they've learned in singleness and how it has had a positive effect on their relationship with God.

Debriefing questions:

1. What did you learn from your partner?
2. How does our marital status allow us to experience God in unique ways?
3. How can God use both marriage and singleness to draw us closer to him?

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