Take several food items (dried prune, cantaloupe, tea bag, grapes, pickle, cookie) and put them in a basket. Ask each member to look at the items and choose one that could be used to describe their week.

Daniel: Faithful in All Circumstances
This study walks through Daniel's life and calls us to trust and obey God.

2 Corinthians: Hard Knocks, Unbreakable Faith
Learn a perspective on hardship and suffering that is needed in today's world.

Redeeming Suffering
We don’t always know why bad things happen, but we do know the One who brings good from them.

Something Greater Than Healing
Physical healing is good, Joni Eareckson Tada says. But if we stop there, we will have missed out on God’s best for us. Here’s what to do (and think) when the healing doesn’t come.

Esther: Fulfilling Life's Mission
This study takes an in-depth look at how to fulfill God's mission for our lives.

Nehemiah: Learning Leadership
Help your group balance spirituality with down-to-earth action.