Private Eye

If you could shadow one person for a week, who would it be?

Complete this statement: If I could shadow any person for a week it would be …

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Four Things Small Groups Can Learn from House Churches

Four Things Small Groups Can Learn from House Churches

What exactly is the difference between a house church and a small group?
Small-Group Discipleship Strategies

Small-Group Discipleship Strategies

Holistic discipleship in small groups is possible.
Unlock Spiritual Gifts

Unlock Spiritual Gifts

Help your group members discover and use their spiritual gifts.
Call Out the Spiritual Gifts in Your Group Members

Call Out the Spiritual Gifts in Your Group Members

Recognize your group members' gifts in both direct and indirect ways
Shepherd New Believers

Shepherd New Believers

Learn what you can do to steer new believers in your group toward growth.
Praying for Our Work

Praying for Our Work

Help your group members connect their jobs and faith through these prayer exercises.