Purpose: To build listening skills and teamwork within a small group
Supplies needed: A handful of 3x5 cards
Activity: Before group members arrive, write several story topics out on 3x5 cards. Topics could include things like sports, movies, vacations, monsters, and so on. You will need one card for every two people in your group, so plan accordingly.
When everyone has arrived, divide your group into pairs and hand out one story card to each pair. Explain that each duo will have to tell a short story to the rest of the group, which will be based on the topic of their story card. Explain that stories must be told according to the following rules:
- Each partner can only speak for 1.5 sentences and must end mid-sentence, which is where the other partner picks up the story. They alternate back and forth until the time is out.
- Each person should mention the topic at least once each turn.
- Ideally, each story should have a beginning, middle and end.
- The stories will be timed, and will end after two minutes.
Here is a quick example if the topic were "childhood pets":
- Person #1—"My favorite pet was my goldfish, Flotsam. I got her when I was only…"
- Person #2—" … two feet tall. I was the shortest one in my family, except for my dachshund, who loved to…"
- Person #1—" … give me rides and help me taunt our cat. No wonder I never …"
Continue with the stories until each pair has had a turn.
- What was the hardest thing about making up the stories?
- When was the last time you felt like someone really listened to what you had to say?