Adults will have a ball participating in this fun summer barrier breaker/activity. Things you need for each car: video camera (with recently charged batteries), a blank videotape, and the instructions below … and an adventuresome spirit.
Below is a list of scenes your teams may choose from to videotape. All team members, except the person taping, must be participating and videotaped to qualify. The team to get the most points in thirty minutes wins. Have fun and hurry back!
- Going down a slide at a nearby park 250 points
- Sharing one ice cream at Perkins 500 points
- Posed on a fire truck 300 points
- On the diving board at a pool 700 points
- Chinese fire drill at a downtown intersection 800 points
- Running through sprinklers 350 points
- Mooing to a cow 600 points
- On a skating rink reciting 3 times: "Day by day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." 600 points
- In the trunk of an economy-sized car 300 points
- Acting out the duties of a gas station attendant at a gas station. 400 points
- Your team, with a pastor, in his bathroom tub singing "This is the day." 500 points