What Would You Like to Drink?

Choose a type of drink that matches your personality.

Which of the following drinks describes your personality? Why?

  • Water: refreshing and complimentary
  • Soda: bubbly and sweet
  • Juice: fruity and refreshing
  • Milk: easy going and fortifying
  • Coffee: strong and serious

** You can do three things with this: write each of the responses on an index card and pass the cards to use as prompters for answering the question. OR,

  1. Bring one example of each drink.
  2. Tape the description to the outside of the container.
  3. Place them on a platter or in a shallow cake pan.
  4. Pass the drinks, starting to your right, and have people answer the question by picking up the one that best describes them.
  5. Continue passing all of the choices to each person until everyone has had an opportunity to answer.

OR, another variation is to do the same as above but have each person describe the group member sitting on their right. John would say something like, "I think the soda, bubbly and sweet, describes Susie's personality best because …"

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