God of This City

Go on a prayer walk in your city.

Get a map of your city (or a portion of your city if the city is large). Give each group member a different colored marker. Have group members place dots for each person or family they know in the city, draw lines along the routes they walk or bike, and place a star at the restaurants or shops they like to visit. Have group members take turns sharing about the people, paths, and places that God is connecting them to your city. Notice which areas are frequented by several group members.

Set out in groups of three or four to walk an area of your city—a neighborhood, a frequented shopping area, the downtown, etc. As you walk, pray for the people who live, shop, and work in the area. Pray that God will make his presence known. Pray for guidance on how your group should impact this area and these people.

After walking and praying, gather together to share about your experiences.

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