Sing a few simple praise choruses: "Give Thanks," "he is Exalted," "More Precious than Silver."
Leader: Purchase a box of blank inside thank you notes. Make sure there is one card per person.
Take a few minutes to talk about the blessings of the last year. Ask each person to share something for which they are thankful for in the past year. After you hand out a card to each person, say something like this:
"A blessed people are a thankful people. It's obvious that although we each have had tough times in the last year we have also been given much to be thankful for. God has blessed us. What I would like for you to do is to take this card and write a simple thank you note to God. Make a design inside if you want or write a poetic verse… or just a few words expressing your thankfulness. Be creative."
Play the choruses again as they write.
After you have allowed them several minutes to write their notes, ask if several of them would be willing to share their notes as part of your worship time.