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Stott on Reaching Out
John Stott challenges us in this four-session course to reach out to others.

Church History: The Reformation to the Present
Discuss key questions Christians have faced over two millennia - and provide answers for those questions for today.

Live a Revolutionary Life
This five-session course challenges people like you and me to join Jesus' revolutionary mission.

Following God's Lead in Missions
As God moves through space and time, we need to be ready to go with his flow.

The Mission of the Trinity
All creation was designed to do one thing, and the church’s mission should be no different.

Lessons in Hospitality and Humility
We can learn by being guests of another culture.

Ministering in the Global Church
A fractured church with a crippled mission finds healing through brokenness.

Great Commission Complete?
The growth of Christianity in Latin America, Africa, and Asia should make us rethink our approach to missions.

Enjoy the Global Church
What we see of the global church depends on where we look.