Search Results
Eliminate Barriers to Community
Structure your groups for maximum participation.
Develop a Small-Group Strategy
Expert advice on creating a custom plan for your ministry
Become a Church of Groups
Make small groups the core of your church, not just another ministry.
Create a Compelling Vision for Small Groups
Assess and revamp your current ministry vision, or create one from scratch.
The First Meeting
How to start strong and make it smoothly through that initial gathering.
Making a Case for Small Groups
Gain practical tips for helping others understand the value of small groups
Improving Communication for Effective Small-Group Ministry
Communicate your message about small groups to church leaders, small-group leaders, and church members in a clear and compelling way.
Launching Small Groups in a Smaller Church
Great advice for the majority of American churches
Casting a Vision for Small Groups
Use these step-by-step resources to successfully spread the word in your church.