Finding, Recruiting, and Training an Apprentice

Finding, Recruiting, and Training an Apprentice

It's both easier and harder than it sounds.

When you think about it, small-group leaders have a pretty difficult job. They are expected to be experts on the Bible, worship, prayer, group dynamics, cooking snacks, evangelism, and assimilation. That'squite a list!

That's one of the reasons why many group leaders seek out an apprentice. The other (and better) reason is that we are all called to discipleship. But the big questions that remain are: How do we find people to serve with us? How do we convince them to take the plunge? And how do we develop their skills to the point where they are ready to lead a group on their own?

For a sample from this resource, see How to Find Your Next Apprentice.

You Can't Have Babies if You Don't Get Pregnant
Why apprentices are an important part of healthy small groups
By Dave Earley

At a Glance: Finding an Apprentice
A broad overview of the process and what you'll need to do
By Reid Smith

How to Find One

What Apprentices Are and Are Not
Useful tips that will help you know what to look for
By Dave Treat

How to Find Your Next Apprentice
It doesn't have to be a difficult experience if you remember Who is in charge.
By Sam O'Neal

Making the Ask
Here are four steps to take when recruiting a potential apprentice.
By Eric Metcalf, Carter Moss, and Nick Plassman

What to Do Next

How to Develop an Apprentice
Ten steps for training and preparing an apprentice to lead.
By Mike Mack

Getting Apprentices "Over the Hump"
Here's a helpful chart for mapping out the journey that apprentices will take.
By Dan Lentz

Cutting the Cord
Here's how to successfully "birth" a new small group from an existing one.
By Eric Metcalf


Job Description: Small-Group Apprentice
Here are the basic ministry areas and expectations of a small-group apprentice.
By Sam O'Neal

What Leaders Do; What Apprentices Do
Use this helpful chart to determine which person does what.
By Pat J. Sikora

Further Exploration

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