Congratulations! You're starting a new group. It's an exciting time and a bit overwhelming. Whether you've led before or you're a brand new small-group leader, this Small Group Essentials Training Tool has everything you need to get your group started off strong. You'll learn what leading a group is all about, how to facilitate great discussions, how to choose the right study for your group, and how to lead an excellent first meeting.
Use this Training Tool to train yourself or an apprentice to start a new group. Or if you're a coach or director, use this resource to train new leaders one-on-one or as a whole team. The Get Started Guide shows you exactly how to maximize the comprehensive training included in this resource.
Small-Group Leader Orientation Guide
Everything you need for a crash course as a new leader is included. A Job Description clarifies expectations and responsibilities, and practical articles share the big picture of small groups and the importance of leaders. Every small-group leader should work through this incredible resource.
Small-Group Leading 101
There's a reason college students are required to take 101 classes—they set a foundation for more in-depth classes they'll take later. These classes give the basics and serve as a survival guide for the subject. As a new small-group leader, you need a 101 class, too. That isn't to say you won't ever need more training, but you need a base—something to help you get off to a great start and navigate the responsibilities of your role. Learn how to prepare for group meetings, lead discussions, handle challenging group dynamics, welcome new members, and apprentice new leaders.
The First Meeting
As you sit, waiting for your new group members to arrive, your heart races, your palms sweat, and you've got a million questions running through your head. It's your first meeting. The truth is that all small-group leaders have been there—we all have a first night story to tell. And we've all made it through. To make it through your first night a little more smoothly, we'll train you on how to prepare for and lead your first meeting with a new small group. With lots of practical tips and encouragement, you'll feel a lot less anxious as you head into the big day.
Find the Right Study for Your Group
If the question, "What should we study next" strikes fear into your heart, we'll help calm your nerves. Determine what you should study and what study format you should use with assessments, practical articles, and an overview of different types of studies.
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