Orientation Guide
Job descriptions, training, and guidelines for specific roles within your ministry

Guía de Orientación: Director de Grupos Pequeños
Recursos para la persona liderando el ministerio de grupos pequeños.

Guía de Orientación: Líder de Grupo Pequeño
Un resumen general de los básico de liderazgo de grupos pequeños.

Small-Group Director Orientation Guide
Resources for the person leading the small-group ministry

Spiritual Director: Orientation Guide
Resources for shepherding, guiding, and providing spiritual care

Mentor: Orientation Guide
Help your church's mentors form clear expectations for their relationships.

Small-Group Apprentice Orientation Guide
Basic training for new and potential small-group apprentices

Small-Group Coach Orientation Guide
Helpful articles and forms that equip coaches to perform their role well

Small-Group Host Orientation Guide
This guide has been specially designed to provide orientation and basic training for your church's small-group hosts.

Small-Group Member Orientation Guide
Help your new and potential group members know what to expect, and what will be expected of them.

Small-Group Facilitator Orientation Guide
This guide has been specially designed to provide orientation and basic training for your church's new small-group facilitators and teachers.

Small-Group Leader Orientation Guide
A helpful overview of the basics of small-group leadership