A Quick Guide for Action
Key points for caregiving ministry.
Forced Out
A fired pastor shares the lessons—and unexpected blessings—from his job loss.
By Gary D. Preston
The Role of the Church
How the whole people of God can minister to the unemployed.
Interview Jeff M. Sellers
Coaching and Careers
Helpers who coach, whether formally or informally, can assist jobless people.
By Gary R. Collins
The Initial Shock
Behaviors and feelings to watch for from people dealing with recent job loss.
By Donna Bennett
Staying Afloat
Offer these insights about how to survive financially after a job loss.
By The Financial Planning Association
Employment Ministries in the Church
Your church can help the unemployed turn the corner and focus on the future.
By Richard A. Roberts and Michael Jinkins
Building a Mentor Team
Organize a corps of church leaders to help families afflicted by unemployment.
By Amy L. Sherman
Take this Job and Love It
"Down time" is a chance to examine how God can best use your work.
By Steve May