A Sample Minimal Coaching Plan:
Everybody has plenty of ideas about what a small group coach should and shouldn't do (some of them quite detailed). And most coaches themselves have more than enough "good intentions."
And yet anybody who's ever served in the church knows that life gets crazy and even the best plans get derailed. Rather than beat yourself up for failing to carry out elaborate small group coaching goals, how about embracing this easy-to-carry-out plan?
It's pretty minimal, but it's a good start and a foundation you can build upon, once you've developed the coaching habit.
Pray! for the leaders under your care (e.g. pray for three leaders at 3 p.m. for three minutes)
Touch Base! talk with your leaders (e.g. phone consults, pray over the phone, emails, encouragement, see & grab at church, etc.)
Meet & Equip! gather with your leaders individually or huddle all together (e.g. breakfast, lunch, spousal dinner, prayer time, planning meeting w/ apprentices, train in some aspect of group leadership, hold accountable)
Visit! attend each leader's group meeting and evaluate
Celebrate! (e.g. throw a party in response to what God has done: salvations; growth; raising up of new leaders; acts of service; people being assimilated, people using gifts; birthing of new groups, etc.)"
A Coaching Check-Up:
Questions Small Group Coaches Need to Ask Themselves Every 30 Days
- How well have I listened to the leaders under my care?
- Have a done a good job of celebrating victories with my leaders?
- How (specifically) have I demonstrated personal care/concern?
- Do I have a strategic plan for where each of my leaders needs to go and grow?
- What am I doing specifically to help my leaders develop in knowledge, skills and character?
- Have I helped my leaders develop measurable, achievable goals for their lives, families and groups?
- What potential new "talent" do I see on the horizons of the groups under my care?
- Am I living up to the covenant I agreed to with my leaders?
- What makes my folks tick? What is their current emotional and spiritual state? What do they need from me?
- Are the groups I'm overseeing growing (qualitatively and quantitatively)?
- Do I sense a camaraderie and unity among my people? In the church as a whole?
Coaching Appointment Checklist
Leader/Group: _________________________ Date: _________
Meeting Place: ________________________ Time: _________
Use these questions to prepare for your coaching appointment:
1. Have I prayed for this leader?
2. Have I reviewed my notes (mental and/or written) from our last meeting?
3. What personal/marital/family needs am I aware of?
4. What ministry/group issues do I need to inquire about?
5. What core value (theological truth, ministry skill, or character quality) will I focus on with this leader during our time together? What is the most effective way I can pass on this concept or training?
6. How, practically speaking, can I encourage this leader?
7. What information do I need to convey in the way of church-wide philosophy of ministry, vision, and/or events?
Agenda: Notes:
Assignment(s) for the leader:
Specific things I need to do as coach as a result of this meeting:
Next Meeting Date: ________ Time: _______ Place: _________