1–19 of 19 Matches

9 Ways to Help Group Members Take Ownership of Problems
The struggle is real—and we have to own it if we want to change.

Top 5 Small-Group Training for New Leaders
Our recommendations for getting started

Invite Group Members to Share Deeply
3 key skills to create a safe environment for small groups

My Small Group Led Me to Healing
God uses community to help us walk through pain and trauma.

The Sacrament of Party
Somewhere along the way, the church lost the art of inviting people to celebrate.

How to Increase Regular Commitment to Small Groups
4 principles we can learn from the early church

5 Ways to Motivate People to Join Small Groups
Plus, two tactics that do not work to get people to join and stay involved.

Small Group Drudgery
Practical solutions for meetings that fall flat

How to Make the Bible Central in Small Groups
And the shift in leader training that makes all the difference.

Listen with the Heart
Grow your relationships with non-believers by listening with empathy.

Us Is the New Me
Experiencing personal growth collectively.

Build Your Team
Identify the key roles your small-group ministry team needs.

Promoting Partnership and Teamwork in Small-Group Ministry
The importance of sharing as a leadership trait.

Develop Your Team in Four Ways
Thriving teams learn, play, meet, and grow together.

5 Summer Strategies for Small Groups
Preserve group strength and cohesion during the summer.

Plan Your Small Group Summer Missions
Make an impact that lasts for more than just a summer.

Fostering the Parent
How a small group cared for a foster mom in the everyday trials of life

Through Thick and Thin
A small group steps in to serve a family in their darkest hour.

5 Steps to Get to Know Your Group Members
The elements of story can help you uncover important details about the people in your group.
1–19 of 19 Matches