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Three Ways To Get Small Groups Going
Learn how to lead in a way that sets your small groups up for success.
Five Essentials For Small Group Health
How to keep your groups growing vibrantly.
The Five "Ms" Every Leader Should Know
How to shepherd your flock.
Five Small Group Myths
Have realistic expectations about what small groups will be like.
7 Tips To Modeling Prayer For Your Group
How to make prayer a central part of small groups.
The Art Of Group Prayer
Lead your group in praying biblically.
Asking Questions Like The Master Teacher
A look at how Jesus used questions that made a lasting impact.
Bad Days Are Sometimes The Best Days
Small groups can be a great place for learning lessons about life.
Be A Champion To Remember
Being a champion isn't too hard, but it makes a big difference.
Beyond Prayer Requests
Groups should consider whether their requests line up with what God is doing.
Sometimes Big Things Start Small
Brett Eastman's story about the development of small groups at Saddleback church.
Breaking and Entering
True friendships take time and commitment.
Breaking Through Intellectual Barriers
A small group's love for two skeptics leads them to Christ.
Build Community Through Communion
Bring depth to a small group by participating in Communion together.
Building Community in Children's Ministry
Small groups are an essential part of children's ministry.
Building (or Rebuilding) a Healthy small-group ministry
Seven questions that will lead to effective small groups.
"But I Wasn't Meant to Be a Mom!"
Joining a small group helped a mother embrace her new role.
The Call From The Holy Spirit
God has ways he wants to use us if we are willing to follow his leading.
Champion Your Small Group's Purpose
Make the most of 40 days of purpose.
The Childcare Checklist
Use this practical tool to determine the childcare options in your small group.