Don't Say "The"

A fun way to introduce “the tongue” as a topic of conversation

Purpose: To help group members think about the words we say.

Activity: In this activity, have your group or class divide into smaller groups of two or three people, then ask them to work through the discussion questions listed below. Whenever you say "Switch," they need to break up the smaller groups and join other people to continue the conversation.

There is just one catch: they are forbidden to say the word the. If they mess up, they will need to give themselves one point for every time they say the. At the end of five minutes or so, the person with the fewest amount of points will be declared the winner.


  • What parts of your week were fun?

  • What parts of your week were hard?

  • What hilarious jokes have you heard this month?

  • What meal did you enjoy most this month?

  • What TV show have you enjoyed most this year?

Possible follow-up questions:

  • Was it hard to control your tongue in that way? What caused you to slip and let "the" come out?

  • Without mentioning names, what is the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to you? What is the kindest thing anyone has said?

  • Why are those memories still strong in your mind?

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