Either Or

Use this rapid-fire activity to get your group thinking about decision-making.

Purpose: To introduce topics such as decision-making and easy/hard choices.

Activity: Ask your group members the following questions in a rapid-fire style, one group member at a time. Participants should be encouraged to respond as quickly as possible with their answer (and discouraged from offering explanations).

When finished, use the Unpacking Questions provided to help your group process what just happened to them.

  • Spicy or Mild?
  • Salt or Pepper?
  • Hot or Cold?
  • North or South?
  • East or West?
  • Black or White?
  • Water or Wine?
  • Bath or Shower?
  • Standing or Sitting?
  • Apple or Orange?
  • Classical or Rock?
  • Comedy or Drama?
  • Take Out or Eat In?
  • Shoes or Bare feet?
  • Ocean or Pool?
  • Hotel or Camping?
  • Books or Magazines?
  • Email or Snail Mail?
  • Drive or Fly?
  • Country or City?
  • Salty or Sweet?
  • Crunchy or Smooth peanut butter?
  • Cell Phone or Landline?
  • Pants or Shorts?
  • Meat or Vegetarian?
  • Dog or Cat?

Unpacking Questions:

  • Who felt like they were asked a question with an easy answer? Why?
  • Which questions had difficult answers? Why?
  • What kinds of life decisions are easy to make when it comes to living an upright life?
  • What kinds of decisions are difficult?

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15

Other Options:

  • use the given list of questions (perhaps add a few of your own), but have members choose one question at random to ask the person to their left in a round-robin version of this activity.
  • Have people create their own either/or choices and ask the person to their right, going around in a circle.

—Evangeline Peterson blogs regularly at www.singlemindedinchrist.blogspot.com.

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