Hand out a kitchen match to every person in the group. In turn have each person light their match and tell as many facts about themselves before the match burns out or burns their fingers. If your group likes a little competition appoint someone to keep score. Here's an example: "My name is Tami (1 point), I love to read a good mystery (1 point), my favorite color is purple (1 point). After every person has had a turn the score keeper tallies the points.

How Should I Handle Issues with Group Dynamics?
Strategically lead your meetings so everyone feels safe, heard, and valued.
Talking About Race
When discussing race feels overwhelming, start by reflecting on your experiences and sharing your story.

My Small Group Meets in a Bar
How two men have created a small group for men who—let’s be honest—usually don’t like small groups

Four Levels of Connection for Healthy Groups
Move your group beyond the basics to compelling community.