Our God is not a far away, somewhere in the sky, kind of God. He does not rule from a throne placed out of reach, but rules from a throne within in our hearts. He is close. When we are in trouble, He is close. When we are laughing, He is close. When we are alone, He is close. When we are in a crowd, He is close.
- Assign the following scriptures to different readers in your group. Have them read their passages out loud for the group. Make a note to the group that God is close to us. Jeremiah 23:23-24; Isaiah 40:10-11; Psalm 34:1-20
- Ask your group, "What is usually happening around you, or to you, when you most feel that God is close? Is it during happy times, sad times, trying times?" Do not allow them to answer now; you are simply getting the thought process started.
- Give each person a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.
- Ask your group to close their eyes and sit for a few minutes, reflecting on a time or times when they sensed that God was close to them. You may want to play instrumental music quietly while you are reflecting.
- Encourage the group members to write down what they remember about that specific time, what was happening, and how they sensed God was near, etc. If they so choose, they could draw a picture instead of writing.
- After about 5-10 minutes, ask if anyone would be willing to share what he or she wrote or drew.
- Read together the following responsive praise prayer from Psalm 34. The leader reads the bold, and the participant reads the regular font.
I will bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with His praise.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
God has met me more than halfway, and He has freed me from my anxious fears.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
When I was desperate, I called out and God got me out of a tight spot.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
His angels set up a circle of protection around us while we pray. We will open our
eyes and see—how good God is.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
Blessed are we if we run to Him.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
God keeps an eye on his friends; His ears pick up every moan and groan. Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
If your heart is broken, you will find God right there. If you are kicked in the
gut, He will help you catch your breath. God is there every time.
I live and breathe God who is close by.
Thank God, praise God, love this mighty God who is close by.