eLearning: Is it Virtual or Reality?
Using the internet to boost your training process.
A Day in the eLife…
You don't have to be computer guru to take advantage of the tremendous amount of information on the World Wide Web
Crossing the Technology Gaps Toward eLearning
Technology provides valuable tools for group preparation and group time.
Helping Assess the Spiritual Growth of Your Group Members
It was my vision to create an internet tool to assess disciple-making and team-building progress, and so GrowthFinder was born.
Standing on a Firm Foundation
A knowledge of God's love leads to an ability to be obedient to him.
Filling the Empty Fridge
One small group grew closer by meeting each other's needs.
Loving Sinners Is Messy But Necessary
Truly loving people in the midst of persistent sin is easier said than done.
Affinity – Likeness or Commonness?
True community comes from admitting our need.
Authentic community happens spontaneously.
Keeping it REAL
Getting back to relationships in small group ministry
Only a stepping stone on the journey to oneness and embracing our commission
Connecting through Intergenerational Community
Intergenerational community can be the family that the lonely people in our churches need.
Forgiving the Unforgiveable
The betrayed members of a small group work to forgive the man who lied to them.
Dominated by One
Though confrontation is difficult, it can be essential to small group health.
Planning for the Future
Identifying the key roles in your group ensures its long-term health.
Plugging the Leadership Leak
Why leaders need to set an example of community.
Why So Many House Churches?
People are choosing to gather outside of the traditional church setting, and they're creating community in their homes.
House Churches, G-12, and Some Implications for the Future
Why are cells replacing, not just augmenting many congregations?
Marrying Small Groups and the Sunday School …An Emerging Trend
Combine biblical teaching with strong community.
Is Your Small Group Really A House Church?
Three big myths about church