Build Relationships
Growing relationships set the scene for deep discussions and life change. Develop real relationships in your group through relationship-building activities, incorporating food, and more.
Start Here

Shepherding Group Members
Practical training that helps leaders embrace their role as shepherd

Overcome Relationship Obstacles in Your Group
Everything you need to tackle issues with group dynamics

How to Respond to Mental Illness
Practical, healthy ways to help people in your small group who are affected by mental illness

5 Steps to Get to Know Your Group Members
The elements of story can help you uncover important details about the people in your group.

Effectively Manage Group Conflict
Conflict can be the fuel your team (or group) needs to maximize its impact.

Four Levels of Connection for Healthy Groups
Move your group beyond the basics to compelling community.

The Gift of Listening
Attentive listening is hard work, but it's necessary for healthy community.

The Sacrament of Party
Somewhere along the way, the church lost the art of inviting people to celebrate.

What's Working for Groups During the Pandemic?
Keeping members engaged means going back to the basics.

Introducing the Transforming Discipleship Podcast
Discover the critical role discipleship plays in building communities that transform lives.

How Should I Handle Issues with Group Dynamics?
Strategically lead your meetings so everyone feels safe, heard, and valued.

Assumptions Make It Hard to Love Group Members
How to stop your inner judgments and really care for people

The Case for Mixed-Gender Small Groups
The compelling witness of men and women together in groups

Create Safe Places for Questioning
How your small group can become a welcoming place for people on a journey back to God.