Prepare for Meetings
Don't underestimate the importance of preparing for your small group meetings. Create great questions, set up a comfortable environment, and pray for your meeting and group members.
Start Here

The First Meeting
How to start strong and make it smoothly through that initial gathering.

How to Prepare for a Bible Study
Practical tips for adapting an existing study or writing your own

Empowering Group Members
We can't force spiritual growth, but we can empower people to take their next spiritual steps.

Small-Group Leader Orientation Guide
A helpful overview of the basics of small-group leadership

Theological Discussions for Everyone
Get everyone involved in meaningful, fruitful discussions.

Handling Conflict in Small Groups
Practical advice to help you when things get a little ugly

Overcome Relationship Obstacles in Your Group
Everything you need to tackle issues with group dynamics

Answering Tough Questions
How to handle seven difficult questions that are likely to pop up in your small group

Minister to Multiple Spiritual Maturity Levels
Engage everyone in your group from not-yet believer to mature follower.

Leading as an Introvert
Both introverts and extroverts can learn how personality type affects church leadership.

What Did I Get Myself Into?
5 tips for when you start to panic about being a small-group leader

Create Sermon-Based Bible Studies
How to write engaging group studies that tie into your pastor's sermons

9 Tips for a Successful First Small-Group Meeting
Easy tips to make the most of your first gathering

Guía de Orientación: Líder de Grupo Pequeño
Un resumen general de los básico de liderazgo de grupos pequeños.

Effective Student Groups
Disciple the students in your ministry through intentional small groups.

Beyond Good Small-Group Meetings
A review of M. Scott Boren's 'Leading Small Groups in the Way of Jesus'

Turn Ministry Teams into Small Groups
How to transition a task group into a community group

Top Tips for Using Video Bible Studies
How to use video-based curriculum wisely in your small group