Who has impacted you?
Personal Wisdom
What wisdom would you share with yourself?
Family Traditions
Take a look back at your childhood.
Fiction Mirrors Reality
Reflecting on movies and TV shows
Needs and Passions
Group members share about the causes that move them.
Memorable Gifts
A twist on the usual question about gift-giving
Exciting Events
Share about a favorite experience.
Favorite Team
When do you work with others?
Work History
Group members share their more interesting past jobs.
Famous Mentor
Who would you spend a day with?

Easter Reminds Us God Offers New Life
Post-Easter icebreaker--reflect on the new life God has given you this past year.
Talking About Race
When discussing race feels overwhelming, start by reflecting on your experiences and sharing your story.
Gifts That Don't Fit
Sometimes our help isn't all that helpful.
Not-Quite-Right Gifts
When have you received an "off" gift?
Teaching on Tithing
What have you learned about giving?
Experiencing God Through Others
Discuss how you've been blessed.
Cell Phone Distractions
How do our phones distract us?
Map Your Journey
Share your spiritual history.
Life Mentors
Who has shaped you?
Images of God
Share how your view of God has changed over time.